Flutter pledges £200,000 to boost grassroots sports through Cash4Clubs initiative

Updated:2024-03-30 07:56    Views:184

Flutter relaunched Cash4Clubs with a renewed commitment to supporting clubs that have been financially impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis.

The company has pledged £200,000 ($243,000) in funding for grants of up to £2,000 per club, which can be used for a variety of purposes, such as improving facilities, purchasing new equipment or supporting coaching programs.

Examples of Cash4Clubs' impact include: 

- In 2022, Cash4Clubs awarded a grant to the Trafford Handball Club to help them purchase new equipment and expand their coaching program. The club has since seen a significant increase in memberships and its players have achieved success in regional and national competitions.

- In 2021, Cash4Clubs awarded a grant to the Leeds Powerchair Football Club to help them purchase new wheelchairs and hire a qualified coach. The club has since become one of the most successful powerchair football clubs in the UK and its players have represented England at international level.

Ian Brown,slots Chief Executive of Flutter, stated: "We want to empower small sporting clubs to play an even more significant role in their communities."

In 2021, the company donated £4.79m to Made by Sport's "Clubs in Crisis" campaign, which provided support to over 1,500 community clubs during the pandemic.

In September 2023, Flutter acquired a 51% stake in MaxBet, Serbia's omni-channel sports betting and gaming operator. MaxBet has a track record of supporting grassroots sports in Serbia and Flutter has pledged to continue this support after the acquisition is complete.


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